India Day - Business Forum

From 2010 to 2019, managers from all over the world met once a year to exchange information and experiences on the topic of "Doing Business in India". 

Each year, around 200 participants took part in our conference. India Day was an integral part of the India Week in Cologne and provided participants with an up-to-date overview of economic, political and social issues.

As in the past, the business forum offers both India newcomers and India experts updates, informative discussion rounds, exclusive practical presentations and a unique exchange platform for all aspects of the Indian market. A must-attend event for every entrepreneur operating in an international environment.

After several years of a forced break, India Day finally took place again.

The 11th India Day on June 13, 2024 in Cologne was a great success. Find out in the article by Eli Hamacher, freelance business journalist, why there is more optimism about "Doing Business in India" than there has been for a long time. Read the article... 

Agenda 2024

08:30 am


09:00 am


B. S. Mubarak, Consul General of India, Frankfurt am Main 

Daniel Lidón, Foreign Investment Advisor, KölnBusiness Wirtschaftsförderungs-GmbH

09:25 am

VDMA: Where does India's industry stand today? India between "manual labor" and Industry 4.0

  • Rajesh Nath, Managing Director, VDMA India

09:50 am

Panel: "Inevitable India" - Are we facing India's decade or century?


  • Rajesh Nath, Managing Director, VDMA India
  • Lakshmi Lalita Mohan, Head of Germany and France Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)
  • Per Hornung Pedersen, Chairman of the Board of Director PNE Wind AG and Independent Director Suzlon Energy Ltd.
  • Dr. Michael Kostuj, Managing Director, S-CountryDesk GmbH

Moderator: Thomas Weidlich, Partner, Luther Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH

10:45 am

Networking Break

11:15 am

OAV/Bayer: Importance of India as a market

  • Dr. Arnd Nenstiel, OAV-Chairman & Senior Project Lead EU Green Deal at Bayer AG, Crop Science Division

11:40 am

Dr. Oetker: "Lessons learned" - Many roads lead to success. How a traditional Bielefeld company is approaching the Indian market

  • Oliver Mirza, Managing Director, Dr. Oetker (India) Pvt. Ltd.

12:05 am

Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen: 50 years under power in India

  • Johannes Altmann, Manager Controlling Regions, Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH

12:30 pm

Keynote speech: From Herodotus to Oppenheimer: India, China and us. 2000 years of clichés and knowledge.

  • Prof. Dr. Manuel Vermeer, Managing Director, Dr. Vermeer Consult

01:00 pm

Lunch break

02:00 pm

Interim Management India - Success through experience and expertise

  • Dr. Anton Reinfelder, Partner / Senior Consultant, Lüders Partner GmbH

02:25 am

Leister: China plus 1 – Make in India for India

  • Martin Zingg, CEO, Leister Group

02:50 am

Business panel: India's role in de-risking strategies - What does India offer compared to Southeast Asia?


  • Michael Boden, Technical Director, REMONDIS Aqua (India) Pvt. Ltd.
  • Rüdiger Schröder, Senior Vice-President Projects, Maier Vidorno Altios India
  • Martin Zingg, CEO, Leister Group
  • Bhaswar Arya, Jt. Managing Director, Rhenus Logistics (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Moderator: Klaus Maier, Managing Director, Maier Vidorno Altios Group

03:30 pm

Networking Break

04:00 pm

Sourcing in India – What makes the procurement market in India so attractive?

  • Rüdiger Schröder, Senior Vice-President Projects, Maier Vidorno Altios India

04:30 am

X-ray Systems & Solutions: "Make in India for the World" - X-ray systems for the industry

  • Hajo Schulenburg, Managing Director, X-ray Systems & Solutions GmbH

05.00 pm

Field hockey World Cup 2023 in India: Our path to becoming the best team in the world

  • Timur Oruz, German field hockey world champion 2023
05.30 pm

Get Together / End of the event

Host: Frank Hemig, Deputy Managing Director, Head of the Consulting and Service Division, IHK Cologne

Please note that some of the presentations and panel discussions will be held in German.



Luther Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH is one of the leading German corporate law firms with 21 German and international offices. The law firm has extensive experience in doing business in India. Together with Indian partners, Luther offers comprehensive advice in all legal, tax-related, and regulatory matters in the subcontinent. Luther together with our French partner firm Fidal founded unyer, a global organisation of leading international professional services firms. The network firms generate an annual turnover of more than EUR 650 million and include over 2,500 lawyers and advisors in more than 10 countries in Europe and Asia.

Maier Vidorno Altios (MVA) is the leading trusted advisor and service provider assisting German speaking mid-sized (Mittelstand) Companies and Small Caps, from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, planning to enter or expand business in the South Asian Markets of India. MVA, headquartered in Cologne-Germany, employs 250 market entry experts and operational business specialists operating from 5 support centres across India (Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Pune). The team supports all aspects of doing business in South Asia – Project Management, Recruitment, Market Research, Strategy Consulting, M&A, Restructuring, Interim Management and Corporate Services (Finance, Accounting, HR, Compliance). 

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Some of the companies whose representatives have already participated in a past India Day as speakers or panelists:


India Day on 13th of June 2024 from 9:00 am till 6:00 pm in Cologne, Germany

KölnSKY GmbH, Ottoplatz 1, D-50679 Köln

The participation fee is EUR 190 p. p. excl. VAT. - 15% Early Bird Discount till 30th of April 2024. Registration deadline is 6th of June 2024. The invoice will be sent by post after the registration deadline. Please note: In the case of cancellation after the registration deadline we charge the full participation fee. Substitute participants may of course be named.


KölnSKY GmbH 

Ottoplatz 1 
D-50679 Köln



with Line 7 to the “Deutzer Freiheit” stop 

with Lines 1 and 9 to the “Deutzer Freiheit” stop or “station Deutz / Messe”

with Lines 3 and 4 to the “Bahnhof Deutz / Messe” stop

with tram Lines 6, 11, 12, 13 and RB 25 to the “Köln-Deutz / Messe” stop.


The Triangle Tower has its own parking garage with 90 public parking spaces. The access to the parking garage is 

via Hermann-Pünder-Straße. Alternative parking can be found at the nearby Lanxess-Arena car park.

Contact us

Maier Vidorno Altios
Siegburger Straße 231
50679 Koeln, Germany

Telefon +49 221 880 408 0
Telefax +49 221 880 408 11

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